Artistic Statement
A playground, a beach with untouched sand, an empty canvas. The studio is a place for personal exploration, creation, and collaboration. What does it mean to work with another artist? Trust, respect, and magic will emerge. Being able to bounce your ideas off like rapid fire and creating an environment where the possibilities are endless. Discovering new worlds and creating something out of thin air is not only exciting, but allows for exploration of self and the world outside the dance studio.
Art has the ability to connect with its viewers and has the ability to get them to see and connect deeper within themselves. Using shape, direction, energy, flow, and intuition to create narratives, either personal or imaginary allows intention and playgrounds to be explored. Creating visual representations of music allows for a new way to experience sound and analyze it through a different lens.
As I continue to find my artistic voice through movement and storytelling, the opportunity for new layers and lenses will allow for new narratives and projects to reveal themselves.