Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

In order to create a safe and effective teaching practice, cultivating an environment of respect and rapport are essential. Students need to feel comfortable, seen, and challenged to their highest potentials. To the left are images from a pre-show performance circle where the seniors are honored as it is their last show.
2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning & 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures
Expectations are held to a high standard when cultivating an environment rich in research, hunger to learn, and passion. The classroom management plan served as an approach to serving my full time student teaching placement with 9-12th vocational dance students which outlines classroom expectations, routines, and considerations for all learning abilities. Below is also an image of students in the classroom researching improvisational scores.

2d: Managing Student Behavior
Managing student behavior involves establishing clear expectations and plan for misbehavior in advance.
Clear steps for misbehavior and repercussions are outlined in the classroom management plan above.