Domain 1: Planning & Preparation
The resources pictured below are several of that have shaped me as an educator throughout my graduate studies and serve to evolve my role in the classroom as an educator.
To ensure student engagement, educators must be able to demonstrate knowledge of students. During my full time student teaching, this lesson plan was implemented to introduce Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) add to students choreography toolboxes as they soon after began their choreographic process for their Winter Show and Choreography shows.
Setting clear instructional outcomes is essential to ensure progress over long periods of time. The ability to track each student individually as well as the class as a whole while maintaining clear and effective expectations is important to the overall growth of the class. To the left is a lesson plan that aligns with the New Jersey State Learning Standards and National Core Arts Standards.
As an educator, it is important to stay up to date and accessible to current resources. As a current member of the National Dance Education Organization, I am able to attend these conferences as well as a part of the community and resources from this organization.

To design coherent instruction to students ensures aligning the objectives with the activities and student interests. To the left, you will find a Social Justice Unit designed for 4th-5th graders implementing social dances with identity, community, and choreography.
This curriculum was co-created and taught at Paul Robeson Elementary School After School Dance Program.
To ensure student understanding and growth, effective student assessments help to show the skills and objectives expected for daily participation. To the right, you will see a rubric for an implementation choreographic tools assignment.